
Hanging by a thread

I’ve had an amazing year. It’s the best I’ve felt since I was diagnosed over a decade ago. It’s also the longest period of good health I’ve experienced in that time.

Taking time to reflect, sometimes I wonder if I may have pushed myself too far. Almost impossible not to when you are feeling so good. Fellow sufferers will understand this. The constant battle in your mind of should I? Shouldn’t I? Will this make me ill? Will I pay dearly if I do this?

What I can say is that I took full advantage of my good health, “The Well Spell of 2023” and yes there were times I paid for the things I did but it was all worth it.

I’ve recently changed career. Week 3 into my new job which has coincided with the change in weather (which isn’t a good time of year for Fibromyalgia sufferers) I’ve gone from part-time to full-time and my body is far from happy. It’s difficult to tell if it’s the increase in hours, the change in weather or both. I loathe the dark mornings and lack of sunshine. When winter arrives all I want to do is hibernate until the spring.

I am taking better care of myself than I have for months. Eating regularly, attempting more sleep and naps if I can, and taking my vitamins every morning religiously. None of these things appear to be working so far. My daily walks have also fallen by the wayside slightly. The weather has been so poor I haven’t wanted to leave the house unless I absolutely had to.

Eating is making me feel really tired. I’ve tried little an often. It’s all I can manage anyway. Eating anything is a real challenge for me. I can go days without eating anything at all. So the fact I am keeping it up is a positive step. My next plan is to look at what I am eating and to try to eliminate anything that’s bad for Fibromyalgia sufferers.

I must get through the winter. There’s just no way I can allow Fibromyalgia to stop me now. I’ve come so far. After months of stress at my last place of work I am in my dream job. I cannot let Fibromyalgia take away another career from me. The thought of going through losing another job is more than I can bare.

Project “Well Winter” is underway. If I discover a miracle I will let you all know!

When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on.

Thomas Jefferson

2 thoughts on “Hanging by a thread”

  1. Keep hanging on, my friend. I can empathize. I, too, was experience the best health I’ve seen in nearly a decade earlier this year, but am recently slipping. Sending loads of positive energy your ways! 🤗🤗

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