
To exist is to be judged

We merely exist. We must fight to have any sort of life. Only to be judged for doing so.

We don’t look ill or ill enough – JUDGED

We do things that healthy people do – JUDGED

We don’t do enough – JUDGED

We do too much – JUDGED

We are too fat – JUDGED

We are too thin – JUDGED

We can’t attend occasions – JUDGED

We attend occasions – JUDGED

I suppose what I am trying to say is that it doesn’t matter what you do, how often you do it, how much you weigh or how you look – YOU WILL BE JUDGED.

I learned that what other people think of me is none of my business. Once you have mastered this you will have reached an awesome level of freedom.

Don’t let other people dictate who you are or what you should be. Please yourself – NOT THEM

You are in control of your own happiness.

NEVER let anyone dull your sparkle ✨

Blowing out your candle won’t make theirs shine any brighter.

To live is to fight. To fight is to live

Orkney Fibromyalgia Sufferer

ThePursuitOfHappiness #peoplearejudgy #dontletanyonedullyoursparkle #Awesomeleveloffreedom #fibromyalgia #MECFS #fnd #chronicillness #invisibleillness #invisibledisability

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