
Acceptance, resignation or denial, or is it just finally understanding?

Five Stages of Grief

Acceptance of your new reality can take years. You can slip back into denial and that’s ok.

I am still in denial 12 years on. I refuse to be beaten by Fibromyalgia. I will not allow it to stop me from doing the things I choose. I perform the act of pretending “I’m fine” so well, that I’ve almost convinced myself that I am. Until reality kicks in that is.

Many of us use the art of pretend for the world outside and the people around us. We become masters at “putting on an act”

I’ve become so good at it I forget that I am doing it. Perhaps that’s why I still float around denial instead of acceptance?

I liken myself to Clark Kent, but in reverse. Instead of rushing into a telephone box to put on my superhero costume, appearing as Superman. I rush home, straight up to my bedroom, get changed into my pyjamas and emerge as the chronically ill person very few people get to see.

Where are you at, Acceptance, resignation or denial, or is it just finally understanding?

fibromyalgia #chronicillness #5stagesofgrief #invisibleillness #invisibleillness #masterofpretend #itsokaynottobeokay

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